On the program


Doping: a look behind the scenes
After decades of cheating, the fight against doping is making progress. Amid an increase in testing and improvement in screening methods associated with new practices, is the doping era finally losing steam?

The long path to equality for women athletes
Is sport a level playing field for women? The answer is a resounding no. Sports science has paid them little heed to date, and they are not afforded the same recognition or profile as men.

Science in service of medals
With the Olympics being held in Paris this summer, an unprecedented collaboration has been forged between dozens of research laboratories and sports federations. A first in France!

Reports and interviews

Sport on prescription
Physical activity has beneficial effects on health and can now be prescribed by doctors. But is this enough for them to have the reflex and for patients to permanently change their lifestyle habits?

Paris Game, 24h with a champion
It’s the event of the year: the Paris games! Behind the scenes, how do top athletes prepare for it? And what do we know about the parameters that achieve performance? Mathieu Thomas, a high-level badminton athlete, takes us into his daily life.

In climbing, learning to read the route
Selected for the national climbing team at the age of 14, young champion Victor Guillermin observes a climbing wall full of sensors. Preview, what does it change?

Sports in hot water in a warming world
30°C at the Doha Athletics Worlds, 35°C during the last Olympic Games in Tokyo. All over the world, athletes face exponential temperatures. How do they understand global warming? Can they avoid a decline in their performance? Report from CREPS in Montpellier.

Also at the Cité des sciences et de lindustrie

Espace Science Actualités, from 26 March to 22 September 2024

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